
Monday, September 5, 2011

Motto for a Positive Outlook

Refuse to unhappy;

   be cheerful instead.

Refuse to let your troubles multiply;

   just take them one by one.

Organize your time; keep your life simple

   and exactly the way you want it.

Refuse to complain about things;

   learn to improve your sorroundings

and creat your world

   the way you believe it should be.

Refuse to dwell on the mistakes

   or disappointments.

that are sometimes a part of life;

instead learn how you can

   make things better.

Be optimistic.

Be energetic and positive

   about the things you do,

and always hope for the best.

Believe in yourself at all times

   and in all aspects of your life.

Before you know it,

those wonderful dreams

you have believe in all your life

   will come true,

and your life will be

the happy and successful life

   that it was meant to be.

- Ben Daniels

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