
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Promise To...

Be kind to yourself,
Look in the mirror and see
that you are beautiful.
Make three wishes.
Be strong.
Nurture your soul.
Continue your prayers.
Let go of any pain.
Banish any anger.
Take one moment at a time.
Hear music.
Make music.
Seek inspiration.
Believe in fairy tales
and in the magic
of your dreams.
Find that dreams do come true.
Hug yourself.
Feel the sun shine.
Believe again.
Seek laughter.
Always remember that you have
a guardian angel
watchingover you.
Find hope.
Find your true love.

                                               - Linda Ann McConnell

Be glad of life
beacause it gives you the chance
to love
and to work
and to play
and to look at the stars.

                                       - Henry Van Dyke

Keep your face
to the sunshine
and you cannot
see the shadow

                                - Helen Keller

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