
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Always Be as Happy as You Possibly Can Be

Love yourself every day
and remember
how many people love you.
Do good things for others,
but also give to yourself.
Release the child within you
so you can sing,
laugh, and play.
List the things
that you do best,
and give yourself a hug.
Accept compliments.
dance barefoot.
Plan to fulfill a secret wish.
Laugh at yourself.
And above all,
remember you are loved.

- Jacqueline Schiff

There is no difficulty that enough
love will not conquer; No disease
that enough love will not heal; No
door that enough love will not open;
No gulf that enough love will not
bridge; No wall that enough love will
not throw down; No sin that enough
love will not redeem.

It makes no difference how deeply
seated may be the trouble; How
hopeless the outlook; How muddled
the tangle; How great the mistake.
A sufficient realization of love will
dissolve it all... If you only could
love enough you would be the
happiest and most powerful being in 
the world.

- Emmet Fox

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