
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Look in the Bright Side

When life seems overwhelming
   and you can't seems to get
   everything done...
When there isn't enough time
   to relax and enjoy...
When there is little reward
   for all your efforts and
   you wonder if it's all worth it,
   if this is what life is all about,
   and if this is what the future
     holds in store...

Try to keep a positive attitude attitude by looking
   for the little blessings that happen
   every day yet often go unnoticed.
Keep your mind open to humorous situations,
   because humor can rescue you
     from being overwhelmed.
And never forget that there are people
   who love and care about you;
   people who want to help and support you
   through life's difficult times;
   people who think you're pretty special;
   people who care a whole lot about you.

- Barbara Cage

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